

Archive by author: Jairo José CerdasReturn

Correo Electrónico: [email protected]
Teléfonos +506 2289-5052 | +506 2282-2164 | +506 2289-5275
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The employee's duty of confidentiality

Jairo José Cerdas | 01 Jul 2024 | View Counts (136)
The employee's duty of confidentiality within the employment relationship is addressed.
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Overpayments to the worker

Jairo José Cerdas | 02 Jun 2024 | View Counts (185)
The debts that the employee incurs with the employer, whether for advances or overpayments, are analyzed.
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Dismissal due to aggressions between workers

Jairo José Cerdas | 18 Apr 2024 | View Counts (276)
Incidents of aggression between workers are scrutinized as grounds for termination without bearing employer responsibility.
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While the employer is unable to implement a dismissal with liability while the worker is incapacitated, there is no rule prohibiting executing a dismissal without liability if it is determined that the worker has committed a serious offense before or during the incapacity.
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Considerations regarding payment for work performed during work availability in Costa Rica.
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Considerations regarding the payment of overtime and its compensation with rest time.
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Some considerations are provided regarding the employment contract signed between an employer and worker for a definite period of time.
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Prescription of disciplinary power.
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Possibility of requesting a criminal record sheet in the selection processes
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Possibility of applying salary deductions based on damages caused by the worker
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